
The SIML Position Paper dedicated to asbestos (PPA) is addressed (mainly) to competent practitioners (CP) for the purposes to provide a guidance about a set of items classified as markedly interesting: the actuality of asbestos exposure and the evaluation of the related risk; the diagnosis of the asbestos related diseases; the shape of the risk functions (namely about mesotheliomas); the causal relationship between exposure and disease; the medical surveillance of the workers currently and previously exposed. The scientific literature doesn't acknowledge the idea that nowadays in Italy the frequency of pleural mesotheliomas deriving from environmental asbestos from outdoor sources exposures is really a relevant item. Inside the SIML PPA the chapter concerning industrial hygiene and environmental monitoring themes shows inaccuracies and deficiencies, so resulting of scarce utility for the CPs that should be called for a more cooperative role in front of the employers. The arguments of the diagnosis of the asbestos related diseases is developed with an undue emphasis upon the differential histological diagnosis of asbestosis and, especially, of pleural mesothelioma: nosographic aspects that hardly are posed to the attention of the CP. A similar emphasis is posed towards the shape of the risk function for pleural mesothelioma, a theme absent from the current practice of the CP such as of other occupational practitioners. In conclusion, next to themes of undoubted interest for the PC, the SIML PPA dwells on the scrutiny of some topics representing critical elements of the current contrast between consultants and valuers in the context of criminal prosecutions: subjects having forensic relevance but far from the "application actuality" for the CP invoked in the PPA. A greater transparency, last but not least, was to have been posed, inside the SIML PPA, in the disclosure of the conflict of interests (COIs) of some Authors, declaring their consultancy in favour of companies.

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