
Juvenile delinquency is one of the most pressing problems of modern society and, in the context of the psychophysiological characteristics of adolescence; corrective work with this category has its own specifics. The main reasons for the growth of juvenile delinquency are usually the negative influence of adults and families, low quality of life, lack of motivation among minors to study and manifestations of aggressive and asocial behavior, ineffectiveness of preventive and educational work in educational organizations. The article actualizes the problem of juvenile delinquency, and reveals the features of the implementation of disciplinary practice in pre-trial detention centers. The authors argue the need to revise and update social and pedagogical work with juvenile convicts, using analytical materials on the state of the organization of the upbringing of adolescents, suspects, accused and convicts in pre-trial detention centers. There is an increase in offenses committed by suspected, accused and convicted minors who are in pre-trial detention centers. The authors, using the methods of empirical research, interviews and questionnaires, analysis and generalization of data, show probable ways of preventing juvenile delinquency through the transformation of social and pedagogical work in pre-trial detention centers and drawing public attention to the problems of adolescents at risk. The presented study fully reflects modern promises to the acuteness of solving the problem of preventing asocial manifestations among adolescents and revising the mechanisms of their upbringing in the educational sphere and society.

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