
The article analyzes the relevance of the problem of professional development of specialists of the penal system in the field of educating juvenile convicts in the conditions of the penal system; emphasis is placed on professional deficiencies and manifestations of the employee's subjective stand when working with juvenile convicts in a pre-trial detention center or an educational colony. The subject of the article is an analysis of the main documents of educational policy in the field of upbringing of juveniles, the results of a control snapshot of the organization of educational work in colo- nies, as well as a quantitative analysis of additional professional training programs for employees implemented in the penitentiary system. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the importance of updating the content of training for prison staff, showing the inadequacy of educational programs on the education and socialization of juvenile convicts. The methodological basis of the research was formed by the analysis, synthesis and formal-logical methods. The value and practical significance of the study lies in identifying a list of issues that are relevant for inclusion in additional professional training programs when training an employee of the penitentiary system; in focusing attention on ensuring the formation of universal pedagogical actions of an employee working with juveniles. The work makes a conclusion on the need to search for modern approaches to improving the qualifications of pedagogical personnel of the penal system when working with juveniles in educational colonies and pre-trial detention centers. Key words: juvenile convicts, education, staff, professional development, subject’s stand, training programs for penitentiary institutions, universal pedagogical actions.

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