
Rundown of ionic gradients is a central feature of white matter anoxic injury; however, little is known about the contribution of anions such as Cl-. We used the in vitro rat optic nerve to study the role of aberrant Cl- transport in anoxia/ischemia. After 30 min of anoxia (NaN3, 2 mm), axonal membrane potential (V(m)) decreased to 42 +/- 11% of control and to 73 +/- 11% in the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX) (1 microm). TTX + 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2' disulfonic acid disodium salt (500 microm), a broad spectrum anion transport blocker, abolished anoxic depolarization (95 +/- 8%). Inhibition of the K-Cl cotransporter (KCC) (furosemide 100 microm) together with TTX was also more effective than TTX alone (84 +/- 14%). The compound action potential (CAP) area recovered to 26 +/- 6% of control after 1 hr anoxia. KCC blockade (10 microm furosemide) improved outcome (40 +/- 4%), and TTX (100 nm) was even more effective (74 +/- 12%). In contrast, the Cl- channel blocker niflumic acid (50 microm) worsened injury (6 +/- 1%). Coapplication of TTX (100 nm) + furosemide (10 microm) was more effective than either agent alone (91 +/- 9%). Furosemide was also very effective at normalizing the shape of the CAPs. The KCC3a isoform was localized to astrocytes. KCC3 and weaker KCC3a was detected in myelin of larger axons. KCC2 was seen in oligodendrocytes and within axon cylinders. Cl- gradients contribute to resting optic nerve membrane potential, and transporter and channel-mediated Cl- fluxes during anoxia contribute to injury, possibly because of cellular volume changes and disruption of axo-glial integrity, leading to propagation failure and distortion of fiber conduction velocities.

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