an integrated circuits (IC) "manufacturing tests" may be made easier to administer with the use of design for testability (DFT). Integrated circuits' embedded memory tests make use of the TSC (TSC) approach. We have shown the TSC method and several algorithms used in TSC for the purpose of testing embedded memory in this article. An address generator, controller, comparator, and memory are the four main components of this kind of memory TSC technology. This paper details the three memory TSC controller implementation techniques. The memory TSC controller is modelled in Verilog HDL, and its accuracy is checked using the RTL compiler before synthesis.
 Here we provide a way to build TSC comparators for TSC systems that may be implemented on FPGAs—totally self-checking (TSC) systems—that can be used online. By directly measuring the output of each lookup table (LUT), this approach may be utilised to do comprehensive online diagnostics of all LUTs. This entails mapping the basic components of the comparator with a limited number of test patterns. With our technique, we can achieve exhaustive diagnosis with a small number of test patterns on the order of n [O(n)] (where n is the input number to the comparator) while yet covering all bases 100% of the time, even if we are just aware of the LUT's specs and not its exact structure. For systems that need absolute reliability, FPGAs will be a perfect fit. Our experiment also included a single-event upset (SEU) induced by neutron radiation to validate the soft error rate (SER) in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based on static random-access memory (SRAM).
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