
The paper presents the results of a taxonomic study of the bees of the genus Evylaeus mostly deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) and the Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok). The new insular subspecies Evylaeus baleicus insulicola subsp. n. (from Sakhalin, Kunashir, and Japan), differing from the continental E. baleicus baleicus (Cockerell) in much narrower membranous retrorse lobe of the male gonocoxite, and the hitherto unknown males of E. briseis (Ebmer, 2005) and E. transpositus (Cockerell, 1925) are described. The following synonymy is ascertained: Lasioglossum caliginosus Murao et al., 2006 = L. nemorale Ebmer, 2006, syn. n. E. eomontanus (Ebmer, 2006) is considered a subspecies of E. briseis. Lectotypes are designated for the following nine nominal species: Hylaeus rubellus Eversmann, 1852 (= E. calceatus); Halictus gracilis Morawitz, 1865 (= E. lucidulus); H. pallipes Morawitz, 1865 (= E. quadrinotatulus); H. dybowskii Radoszkowski, 1876; H. nodicornis Morawitz, 1889; H. amurensis Vachal, 1902; H. permicus Blüthgen, 1923 (= E. ellipticeps); H. problematicus Blüthgen, 1923; and H. semilaevis Blüthgen, 1923. A total of 48 species of the genus are found in Eastern Siberia and the Far East of Russia. E. apristus (Vachal), E. briseis (Ebmer), and E. laevoides (Ebmer) are recorded for the first time from Russia; E. albipes (Fabricius), E. fratellus (Pérez), and E. vulsus (Vachal), from Mongolia (Töv); E. affinis (Smith), from South Korea (Gyeonysangnam); E. hoffmanni (Strand), from Japan (Honshu). A key to all species (except for species of the subgenus Prosopalictus) is given; it is provided with figures of the male genitalia. The annotated list of these species includes the data for each species on its synonymy, general distribution, published records from the above regions, and the material examined.

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