
An analysis of causes of injuries occurred in construction companies that implement large investment construction projects shows that the lack of skills of employees is a factor that determines the likelihood of risk events in the field of occupational safety and health: dangerous behavior of employees, dangerous working conditions created by managers and engineering and technical employees. The lack of competencies is the main cause of major and significant incidents in 10-12 cases out of 100; in 35-40 cases, it is a concomitant cause. The current state of affairs has determined the direction of efforts to achieve and maintain the highest indicators in the field of environmental and industrial safety and labor protection. In particular, JSC "Scientific Research and Design Institute for Gas Processing", LLC "SIBUR", JSC "Gazpromneft" and LLC "Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk" are improving the safety of construction production through training of employees. The article presents the results of the study on developing required skills in employees of construction organizations at construction sites when implementing large investment construction projects.

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