
The article analyzes data from a survey conducted with 34 medical professionals in the field of sexual and reproductive health regarding their opinion and observation of the level of competence in this area in adolescent patients who sought medical care. The results are summarized in seven tables and three diagrams. The analysis of the results indicates that the most significant, from a medical point of view, are the personal deficits related to the lack of adequate information among patients regarding: the role of contraception and protective means for preventing unwanted pregnancy and avoiding sexually transmitted diseases; the provoking of risky behavior by the use of psychoactive substances; underestimating the role of prevention for the individual's general and sexual health, etc. The low level of knowledge, skills and competencies of adolescent patients in this aspect necessitates the search for more effective approaches, methods and means to involve adolescents in understanding and evaluating the importance of this issue for their health and for ensuring a satisfying sexual and reproductive future.

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