Objective: A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding prevention of anemia among antenatal mothers attending antenatal OPD at CIHSR, Dimapur, Nagaland. Methods: The study design was a pre-experimental research design. Non-probability total enumerative sampling technique was used with a sample size of 60 participants. The study was conducted in antenatal OPD of CIHSR Dimapur, Nagaland. Pre-tested and validated tools to assess knowledge and practice were used for data collection. The instruments used for knowledge regarding prevention of anemia were structured questionnaire consisting of 13 items and for knowledge related practice, dichotomous questions consisting of 14 items were used. Reliability of the knowledge questionnaires was found to be 0.95% using Cronbach’s Alpha. Ludwig Von Bertalanffy System Model was used. An ethical approval was obtained from the Ethical Research Committee, CIHSR. Data was developed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistical method. Result: The mean post-test knowledge score (22.25%) of antenatal mother showed a significant increase from the mean pre-test score (6.25%) after implementation of STP on prevention of anemia with a mean difference of 16.13, which is found to be statistically significant as evident from ‘t’ value of 20.12 for df (59) at 0.05 level of significance. Most of the items on practice regarding prevention of anemia showed highly statistically significant difference at (p≤0.00001), significant at (p≤0.05) level of significance. 75.11% of the participants showed good practice after the intervention (STP). Thus, we conclude that the structured teaching programme was effective in increasing both knowledge and practice scores. Conclusion: The current study has implications for nursing education and practice. It could assist in increasing the knowledge and practice regarding prevention of anemia among the antenatal women. It has brought a lot of sensitivity among the antenatal mothers on the importance of taking iron supplementation and taking rich iron diet and how it can have an impact on the fetus as well. Different interventions such as a video assisted teaching and an information booklet could be compared with STP to determine the best ways for creating greater awareness about prevention of anemia.
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