
Every organization develops and maintains a unique culture, which provides guidelines and boundaries for the behaviour of the members of the organization. In the recent times OCTAPACE Culture has been gaining importance. The eight dimensions of OCTAPACE culture are openness, confrontation, Trust, Authenticity, pro-action, autonomy, collaboration and experimentation which are essential for a strong and successful organization. Where Openness – It signifies the transparent environment in the organization. Confrontation Signifies facing the problems and challenges boldly and not shying away. The trust factor come with Openness which includes maintaining the confidentiality of information shared by others and company. Authenticity is the congruence between what one feels and says. Taking initiative, preplanning and taking preventive action is the measures of term Proactive. Autonomy is the willingness to use power without fear and helping other to do same. Collaboration - involves working together in a team for a common cause. Experimenting involves using and encouraging innovate approaches to solve problems. The study reveals that over all, there is no statistically significant difference in the perception of employees with respect to the various dimensions of OCTAPACE culture. Hence we can conclude that all the dimensions are equally important. The study further reveals that Autonomy, Authenticity, Openness and Experimentation are very high, where as Collaboration, Trust and Confrontation are moderately high and Proaction is quite low. Therefore we can infer that the four dimensions of OCTAPACE namely Collaboration, Trust and Confrontation and mainly the Proaction needs to be improved upon. This can be done by encouraging two way communication in the organisations and empowering the employees. Further, in order to understand the attitude of employees regarding the different facets of culture, the organisations can conduct a job satisfaction survey at regular intervals

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