
Enhanced General Climate, HRD Climate and OCTAPCE Culture of an organization help the employees to acquire required competencies that would enable them to execute their present or future expected roles and aids in developing their capabilities for better Organizational growth and development. This phenomenon was chosen for research, study and an attempt has been made to study the impact of all these factors of human resource development management on employee job satisfaction. Further, this paper is an empirical study in nature with a standard survey instrument called a structured questionnaire with standard dimensions of general climate, HRD mechanism and OCTAPACE Culture. A sample of 333 employees working in a cement manufacturing company in Anathapur, Kurnool and Kadapa districts was participating in the study. Results were obtained through structural equation modeling and findings revealed that there is positive relationship found between the manifest variables and latent variable. Among all three variables such as general climate, HRD mechanism and OCTAPACE Culture, OCTAPACE culture have shown a higher impact on job satisfaction.

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