
Purpose: The study aims to determine which and which of the English vocabulary methods are used, as well as whether the student has his/her own learning discipline, whether he/she has knowledge about vocabulary learning strategies, and whether he/she is familiar with traditional and modern methods. Method: In this study, quantitative research method was used, the "Vocabulary Learning Strategies Use Scale", which was used to determine the vocabulary learning strategies used by students in their English language acquisition, was administered to 623 participants studying at Çankırı Karatekin University 1st grade in the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. Findings and Implications: In line with the findings, female participants used note-taking and repetition strategies more than male participants. Students whose mothers received graduate education used executive cognition and organizing strategies more than students whose mothers did not. Students who graduated from science high schools use repetition strategies more than students who graduated from other types of high schools. The average score of students who graduated from high schools in the Southeastern Anatolia region is higher than students who graduated from high schools in other regio Result: It shows that female students, students whose mothers have postgraduate education, and students who graduated from science high school use vocabulary learning strategies more. Originality: The study has a unique value in terms of shedding light on issues such as whether the student has own learning discipline, whether he/she is familiar with traditional and modern methods, whether he/she uses technology to improve his/her vocabulary, as well as which of the English vocabulary learning methods are used.

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