
The purpose of this study was to investigate Vocabulary Learning Strategy (VLS) use of English Language andLiterature Department students in relation to academic success and vocabulary size. The participants of the study are213 English Language and Literature students. Two data collection tools were used in the study. The first tool wastheVocabulary Learning Strategy (VLS) questionnaire which was adapted from by Gu & Johnson (1996), and thesecond data collection tool was a Vocabulary Level Test (VLT) developed by Nation (1983).Descriptive statisticswere conducted in order to measure the level of vocabulary learning strategy (VLS) use and vocabulary size of theparticipants. In addition, correlation analysis was carried out in order to see which VLSs are more frequently used bylow, middle and upper level vocabulary size students. The results indicated that the participants have a high level ofvocabulary size for 2000 word level, 3000 word level, and academic word levels, a moderate level of vocabulary sizefor 5000 word level and a low level in 10000 word level. The participants were found to have a moderate level ofvocabulary learning strategy use. The study also found that 3rd grade students had larger vocabulary size in terms of2000, 3000 and academic vocabulary level. As for the vocabulary strategy use, 3rd grade students were found to usebottom-up strategies and note-taking strategies more frequently than 2nd grade students. Finally, correlation analysisrevealed that bottom-up strategies, using linguistic clues, and top-down strategies significantly correlated withacademic success.

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