
Inverse gas chromatography is used to study the effect on the sorption properties of films of polyblock block-copolymers of polyphenylsilsesquioxane and PDMSO of factors determining its microheterogeneous structure: ratio of chain lengths of components, temperature, rate of solvent removal in casting the polymer films. The sorption properties of the films are sharply changed on introducing a small quantity (1–2%) of modifying additive (for example, dinonyl phthalate) into the bulk of the block-copolymer. The introduction of the modifying additive results in the formation of a clearer interface between the components and decreases the proportion of mixed phase in the bulk of the block-copolymer. The sorbate retention diagrams obtained show that the nature of the inflexion point of 80 ± 2° is associated with a change in the free energy surface of the rigid block domains because of disturbance of the mutual orientation of the phenyl rings on their surface.

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