
In this work, we present a study of the propagation of low-frequency magneto-acoustic waves into the solar chromosphere within small-scale inclined magnetic fields over a quiet-magnetic network region utilizing near-simultaneous photospheric and chromospheric Dopplergrams obtained from the HMI instrument onboard SDO spacecraft and the Multi-Application Solar Telescope (MAST) operational at the Udaipur Solar Observatory, respectively. Acoustic waves are stochastically excited inside the convection zone of the Sun and intermittently interact with the background magnetic fields resulting into episodic signals. In order to detect these episodic signals, we apply the wavelet transform technique to the photospheric and chromospheric velocity oscillations in magnetic network regions. The wavelet power spectrum over photospheric and chromospheric velocity signals show a one-to-one correspondence between the presence of power in the 2.5–4 mHz band. Further, we notice that power in the 2.5–4 mHz band is not consistently present in the chromospheric wavelet power spectrum despite its presence in the photospheric wavelet power spectrum. This indicates that leakage of photospheric oscillations (2.5–4 mHz band) into the higher atmosphere is not a continuous process. The average phase and coherence spectra estimated from these photospheric and chromospheric velocity oscillations illustrate the propagation of photospheric oscillations (2.5–4 mHz) into the solar chromosphere along the inclined magnetic fields. Additionally, chromospheric power maps estimated from the MAST Dopplergrams also show the presence of high-frequency acoustic halos around relatively high magnetic concentrations, depicting the refraction of high-frequency fast mode waves around vA≈vs layer in the solar atmosphere.

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