
The aim was to optimize the dependence between fuel consumption and heat loading of regional consumers varied due to climatic conditions, taking into account the determination of structural characteristics of heat exchanging equipment for grid water heating in a heat gas turbine. A heat gas turbine comprising two fuel combustion chambers, a waste-heat boiler and a contact heat exchanger to heat makeup grid water was investigated. Scheme and parametric optimization studies were carried out using a mathematic model of a gas turbine created using a software and hardware system developed at the Department of Heat Power Systems of the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Th turbine operating conditions differing in heat loads in four suggested operating regions were studied. It was found that an increase in fuel consumption in the second combustion chamber was 29%– 84% compared to that in the first combustion chamber. This rise was recorded when the turbine heat loading was increasing in the considered regions. Data analysis of the scheme and parametric optimization studies showed that, for operating conditions with a higher heat loading, it seems reasonable to ensure the maximum possible heating of makeup grid water as the loading rises. It is also recommended to slightly increase the heat surface area of the makeup grid water heater whose structural materials are less expensive than in a waste-heat boiler. It was shown that the suggested technical solution slightly increases specific capital investments while fully providing electrical and heat power to consumers. The obtained results can be used to select optimal technical solutions ensuring competitiveness in the operation of a heat gas turbine in regions with various climatic characteristics.


  • Waste-heat boiler and a contact heat exchanger to heat makeup grid water was investigated

  • Th turbine operating conditions differing in heat loads in four suggested operating regions were studied

  • It was found that an increase in fuel consumption in the second combustion chamber was 29% – 84% compared to that in the first combustion chamber

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Энергетика Power Engineering

Исследование зависимости расхода топлива теплофикационной газотурбинной установки от изменения тепловой нагрузки потребителей регионов, имеющих различные климатические условия, с учетом определения конструктивных характеристик теплообменного оборудования подогрева сетевой воды. Резюме: Цель работы – исследовать величины напряжений в инструментальном материале составных концевых фрез для того, чтобы сравнить их с допустимыми напряжениями с позиций исключения разрушения фрез. Объектом исследования являются предельные величины напряжения в инструментальном материале разработа нных составных концевых твердосплавных фрез, имеющих сопряженные между собой режущую часть и хвостовик. Режущая часть выполнена из инструментального твердого сплава, хвостовик – из конструкционной стали. Что чем меньше величины составляющих силы резания, тем меньше величины напряжений в инструментальном материале, и тем меньше возможность разрушения инструментального материала. A study of the dependence between fuel consumption of a heat gas turbine and variation of heat loading of regional consumers having various climatic conditions taking into account determination of structural characteristics of heat exchanging equipment for grid water heating

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