
The aim of the paper is to analyze relationships between hydrodynamic and geomorphic processes in a small bay in the West-Estonian Archipelago. The area consists of a Silurian limestone cliff exposed to storm activity, and a dependent accumulative distal spit consisting of gravel and pebble. Changes in shoreline position have been investigated on the basis of large-scale maps, aerial photographs, topographic surveys and field measurements using GPS. Waves and currents were investigated using a Recording Doppler Current Profiler RDCP-600 deployed into Kudema Bay in June 2004 and the rough hydrodynamic situation was simulated using hydrodynamic and wave models. The main hydrodynamic patterns were revealed and their dependences on different meteorological scenarios were analyzed. It was found that due to exposure to prevailing winds (and waves induced by the longest possible fetch for the location), the spit elongates with an average rate of 14 m/year. Major changes take place during storms. Vitalization of shore processes is anticipated due to ongoing changes in the regional wind climate above the Baltic Sea.

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