
With the advent of the era of big data in education, course materials resources are accumulating and rapidly increasing in variety, and course knowledge is constantly changing, making it increasingly difficult to analyze and efficiently select knowledge points from a large number of course materials resources; course materials are organized in a variety of forms, resulting in differences in the knowledge structure of course materials, making it more difficult to filter and effectively organize course materials. This makes it even more difficult to select and organize course materials effectively. With the help of data analysis and technical support provided by big data, this paper proposes a method for automatic extraction of course knowledge points and knowledge organization in a big data environment after studying the relevant views and methods on course knowledge points and course knowledge organization at home and abroad, and draws on the successful experience of data mining and text mining in educational data mining to further help teaching resource organizers and teaching resource developers, teachers and others to It further assists teaching resource arrangers and developers, teachers and others to analyze, filter and evaluate course materials, and learners to find and learn relevant knowledge points.

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