
Today, 3D softwares have become an essential tool in all areas of Video, including Movies, Animations, CFs, Motion Graphics and Games. One of the most commonly used fields is the 3D character video part. However, these 3D character animations and motion graphics softwares are difficult to learn and too much to learn, making it difficult to learn them all in a university education with a limited time of four years. In this paper, many Inverse kinematics tools, which are essential in the 3D character animations and motion graphics field, compare and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each tool, focusing on Bone, Character Studio, and Character Animation Toolkit, which are most commonly used in work fields. And use Delphi techniques for 3D experts to secure objectivity. Therefore, for universities that require large amounts of teaching in a limited time, I propose an analysis of which of the above three Inverse Kinetics tools is advantageous for students to select and focus on for efficient education.

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