
The special features of the Bangladeshi emigrant work force have been considered. The explanation of the reason under the theoretical framework of social change has been presented, on which the neoclassical theory of migration, and, also the push and pull factors theory, cannot clarify the specific distribution of migrants, which is observed. The neoclassical theory of migration has been analyzed, which supposes, that economic factors should determine the choice of a destination country by a emigrant, and it shows how the theory would predict, that the distribution of emigrants should be correlated to the relative average income of the hosting countries. Therefore, the theory is not respected in the case of the Bangladeshi emigration. The network model of migration, even though it partially fixes this problem, can still not explain the emergence of enclaves of Bangladeshi citizens in hosting countries.The theory of social changes, with some modifications originating from the network approach and the “governmentality” approach, might however explain the distribution of Bangladeshi emigrants abroad, and it has been assumed, that this theoretical development sheds light on the studied problem and its causes. According to this theory, the Bangladeshi emigration is one part of a global process, which creates a global civilization from a number of previously independent societies. A consequence of this theory is that the flows of migrants should more or less follow the waves of development of a globalised society, and, therefore, that it should be possible to measure modifications in the trend of globalisation by measuring the variation in the flows of migrants, or in their distribution across regions.


  • The neoclassical theory of migration suggests, that the primary factor, that explains migration movements is the difference between the income received at home by the prospected migrant and the one received in the hosting country, after arrival [14]

  • For purpose of providing a theoretical justification to the observed distribution of emigrants, we suggest, that the theory of global migration and social change might provide a better explanation

  • The movement of migrants causes the social changes, that were being sought and would have not occurred had the migrant stayed, and both the country of origin and that of destination are affected by this phenomenon [24]

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Приведено объяснение причины в теоретических рамках социальных изменений, по которой неоклассическая теория миграции, а также теория «толчка-притяжения» не могут объяснить конкретное наблюдаемое распределение мигрантов. Проанализирована неоклассическая теория миграции, предполагающая, что экономические факторы самостоятельно должны определять выбор страны назначения эмигрантов, и показывающая как теория может предсказать, что распределение эмигрантов должно быть соотнесено с относительным средним доходом из принимающих стран. Теория «толчка-притяжения» миграции, хотя она частично решает эту проблему, не может целиком объяснить появление анклавов бангладешских граждан в принимающих странах. Теория социальных изменений с некоторыми изменениями, происходящими из сетевого подхода и подхода «правительственности», может объяснить распределение эмигрантов из Бангладеш за границей. Следствием данной теории является то, что потоки мигрантов должны более или менее следовать волнам развития глобализованного общества и, следовательно, должно быть возможно измерить изменения в тенденции глобализации через измерение изменений в потоках мигрантов или в их распределении по регионам.

What are the characteristics of Bangladeshi emigration
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