
The improper management of waste in urban areas with higher densities of people encourages the growth of microorganisms that can make you sick. The frequency with which these litter containers are used varies by location. Periodic verification with timing gaps is ineffective. Sometimes, even before it's expected they may overflow. This study suggests a smart Internet of Things (IoT) based garbage monitoring mechanism to determine alert when the trash can be full to prevent the overflow and improve cleanup. This design approach collects and sends this data using a wireless network. Advanced technology can be used to prevent human error and carelessness during the waste disposal process. When the trash can fill to the top, an alarm buzzer alerts the concerned area's municipal corporation to empty it. The IoT waste monitoring system implemented on RPi consists of a power supply circuit, ultrasonic level sensors, a Raspberry Pi (RPi) digital controller, a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) display, and a remote server.

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