
A user-friendly, menu-driven simulation tool for the performance evaluation of a class of Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD) systems with private caches is presented in this paper. This tool can be efficiently utilized in the preliminary stages of designing such systems. The class of MIMD machines modelled consists of processors, private caches, and a set of interleaved memory modules. Each processor has a local private cache which is connected through a cross-bar interconnection network to shared Main Memory modules. Specifications of elements can be denned individually or globally to accommodate various homogeneous/heterogeneous system configurations. The tool can be used to configure, model, and gimnljfcto the MIMD computer system and its performance. It uses a set of metrics to indicate the model's performance by estimating specified performance indices of the system and its components that include relative speedup, throughput, and utilization as well as others such as average queue length and average waiting time. Simulation runs were performed to validate and assess the tool's functionality.

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