Global climate change can be reproduced in detail by using three-dimensional general circulation models (GCMs). However, such complex models require super-computers and extensive hours of computa tional time for a single attempt at reproducing long term climate change. An alternative approach is to make simplifying assumptions that retain the essential physics for the desired simulation. Energy balance and radiative- convective models are examples of such models. The model in this study follows the simplified approach using physics-based climate processes as well as interactions between atmospheric and hydrological processes. The vertically and latitudinally averaged mean temperature and mean water vapour content between 30°N-50°N latitudes are considered as atmos pheric state variables while soil and sea temperatures and water storage amount are considered for describing the behaviour of the hydrological system. Temperatures in both the atmosphere and ground are calculated by a thermal energy equation that considers the physically-based processes of shortwave radiation, longwave radiation, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux. Precipitation and evaporation processes transport moisture between the atmosphere and ground. In this study, the radiation parameterization of the simplified climate model is tested in the investigation of the various effects of global warming due to doubling and quadrupling of C0 2. Changes of temperature, soil water content, evaporation rate and precipi tation rate are investigated by numerical experiments. The simplified climate model provides acceptable simulation of climate change and holds promise for practical investigations such as the interactions of physical processes in the evolution of drought phenomena. Un modele simplifie du climat combinant les processus atmospheriques et hydrologiques Resume Le changement du climat planetaire peut etre reproduit en detail en utilisant des modeles tridimensionnels de la circulation generale. Mais des modeles aussi complexes exigent des ordinateurs puissants ainsi que de nombreuses heures de calcul pour ne simuler qu'un seul scenario d'evolu tion a long terme du climat. Une alternative serait de faire des hypotheses simplificatrices ne retenant que les processus physiques essentiels pour la simulation desiree. Les modeles bilan d'energie et radiatif-con vectif sont des exemples de tels modeles. Le modele presente dans cette etude suit l'approche simplifiee en prenant en compte des processus climatiques fondes sur des phenomenes physiques comprenant des interactions entre des processus atmospheriques et hydrologiques. La temperature moyenne verticale et laterale et le contenu moyen en vapeur d'eau entre les latitudes
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