
Improving the efficiency of RFID data storage and ensuring communication security is an effective way to improve the efficiency and safety of the identifying and authenticating process between charging stations and electric vehicles. Considering structure of electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) and the components of RFID system, this paper presents a charging station security authentication system model based on lightweight RFID security protocol using hybrid encryption technology. This protocol participates in the computation and storage through a reader-writer, so that it can store more data than other protocols using the same storage, meanwhile keeping lightweight. To enhance security, a hybrid encryption for RFID is proposed, which is based on public key signature encryption algorithm, hash function and symmetric key algorithm. Analysis demonstrates that this system has great calculating storage performance and security. In addition, it has the ability to resist several typical attacks. Moreover, gate circuits needed to achieve such encryption algorithm is far less than the one used in conventional SHA-256 algorithm.

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