
Understanding the difficult to predict interactive effects of anthropogenic stressors is recognized as one of the major challenges facing environmental scientists and ecosystem managers. Despite burgeoning research, predicting stressor interactions is still difficult, in part because the same two stressors can interact, or not, depending on their intensities. While laboratory experiments have provided useful insights about how organisms respond to serial doses of single stressors, we lack ‘response-surface’ field experiments in which naturally occurring assemblages are exposed to multiple types and concentrations of stressors. Here we used a field-based dosing system combined with a ‘response-surface’ design to test the individual and combined effects of two stressors (copper and chlorpyrifos) at five concentrations of each, for a total of 25 replicated treatments (n=4). After six weeks of dosing, chemical uptake and impacts at several levels of biological organization in mussel assemblages were measured. Stressor combinations produced interactive effects that would not have been revealed without using this replicated ‘response-surface approach’. Results show that non-additive effects of multiple stressors may be more complex and more common than previously thought. Additionally, our findings suggest that interactive effects of multiple stressors vary across levels of organization which has implications for monitoring and managing the chemical, biological and ecological impacts of priority pollutants in the real world.

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