
This text aims to investigate the role of the Public Administration control bodies, notably the strategic relevance of the Public Ministry of Accounts, in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the norms, values and objectives of the Constitution (constitutional project), in the face of the historical deficits of implementation, and the still persistent perverse effects of the pandemic caused by Covid-19. It is argued that, based on Constitutionalization of Law thinking, all interpretation of the legal system, all the effort of the public services and the performance of control bodies must be reverent to the values and objectives of Constitution norms, especially the implementation of the fundamental rights. In the specific case of this article, this paper emphasizes the Public Ministry of Accounts role in order to evaluate the performance of the public services; to verify whether the mission of guaranteeing the implementation of the constitutional project is being fulfilled; and what to do if necessary, to reach the goal of correction. And, in this matter, considering that such task demands specific expertise in terms of control, such as: the vision of the whole in terms of public policies; the management of inducing, collaborative and articulating control functions; as well, the broad knowledge of the public budget; and bearing in mind that the Public Accounting Ministries have extensive experience in these matters; this text concludes that Public Ministry of Accounts are strategic and essential bodies in the control of public administration and in the defense and feasibility of the constitutional project.

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