
In the modern age underground water tanks are in trend. It is used in multistory societies, organizations, universities, play grounds ,fire fighting and to store the rainwater etc. Many times it is responsible for casualties. At present there is no system available which can prevent a human body from drowning. A real time human body sensing system to protect drowning demise in the underground water tank. It is sensors based fully automated system. The complete system is distributed into four units-basic, sensing, alert and protection unit. System adopts the layered approach as the output of one unit works as input for other units. Basic unit is responsible to measure and display the water level and generate the correspondence data. Sensing unit is directly connected with arduino and configured to ensure the presence of human body inside the underground water tank. Alert unit is the third unit which is used to generate the three types of alerts sound, light and SMS/call alerts. Arduino will activate the protection unit as it receives the required input. It is a real-time system as its response time is in seconds. Thus the said system can be implemented to protect drowning demise in the underground water tanks.

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