
Pedagogical competence refers to a teacher's ability to effectively manage teaching and learning aspects of education. This includes subject knowledge, instructional methods, technology integration, lesson planning, classroom management, student evaluation, and facilitating learner growth. A competent teacher significantly influences students' academic advancement by creating a conducive learning environment. Professional competency involves effective teaching methods, well-structured lesson plans, and delivering instruction. A teacher's professional competency directly affects a student's academic progress, and there is a clear relationship between a teacher's competence and a student's achievement. This study utilized a qualitative case study research method to investigate the perspectives and concepts within a natural setting (Hesse-Biber & Leavy, 2010). The study involved English Language Teachers in six public schools in Shaqra City, Saudi Arabia during the academic year 2023. The findings suggest that English language teachers have the necessary skills to influence student outcomes. They effectively identify students' educational needs, create an optimal learning environment, and motivate engagement in various dimensions. Despite obstacles from education policies, parents, society, and limited resources, teachers continue to make efforts to improve student academic achievements.

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