
Assumptions behind closure models for the filtered source term are studied a priori using results from DNS of turbulent n-heptane/air premixed flames at varying Karlovitz numbers. Simulations with both detailed chemistry and tabulated chemistry, as well as unity and non-unity Lewis numbers, are used to determine if finite-rate chemistry and differential diffusion effects affect the filtered chemical source terms. While the unfiltered source term shows large fluctuations, the filtered source terms from detailed chemistry and tabulated chemistry are in good agreement at sufficiently large filter widths (Δ ≳ lF). Using the concept of optimal estimators, it is shown that a tabulation approach using the filtered progress variable and its variance can predict accurately the filtered chemical source terms. Finally, the filtered source terms from the DNS are compared to predictions from two commonly assumed sub-filter probability density function models. Both models show deviations from the filtered DNS source terms but predict accurately the mean turbulent flame speed. The results illustrate the potential of using simple tabulated chemistry approaches based on presumed PDFs for LES of premixed flames in the thin and distributed reaction zones regimes.

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