
This article presents a new energy model which significantly en-hances knowledge of the today’s global energy situation. It “mirrors,”reflects, the real world of energy.Table 1 summarizes P&FC’s new energy model. This table accountsfor regional energy production, trade, and consumption data. Elevenenergy regions were used for regional energy analysis.The table shows regional energy production, trade, and consump-tion share data, in percentages, for the entire world.The bold-faced column gives the user’s cost of energy for each of theeleven regions. It shows that the world’s energy consumers paid $2.6 tril-lion U.S. dollars for the 362 quadrillion Btus they consumed in 1999.This fueled a world economy of $34 trillion GNP and 6 billion people.No other energy model in the world accounts for the cost of energyto the consumer.The last three columns in this table show the regional shares ofPopulation, GNP, and Land Area.Figure 1 is P&FC’s “Mirror” Energy Model , reflecting the realenergy world. The world consumer energy bill shown in Figure 1 wascalculated by accounting for the cost centers for each of the 11 regions.This “Mirror” Energy Model applies to individual countries, re-gions, and the world.

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