
Based on issues that children see as magic, investigations were developed inside the ludic universe with the purpose of make some conections between contents of Geosciences and cientifi c investigations in early childhood education. The most important points of this research are: how does the knowledge about mineral pigments are built on children’s mind in classroom whose students have fi ve years old? How deal with this situation in a investigative and ludic way? How to contribute to a critical view of human interference in the use of natural resources? A project was prepared aiming to develop strategies for elaboration’s step of research, surveying hypotheses, data collection, seeking informations and socialize with the group. In some moments problems were used to develop the knowledge in the area of Geosciences, where students go through phases of action and refl ection. Activities were proposed for a group of children with ages between fi ve and six years of early childhood education. The evolutive’s history of human beings in the process of obtaining mineral pigments was treated starting from books, illustrations, images, videos and artistic exploration of different materials. Compounding so a relation between natural changes, cultural changes and social changes throughout history in a contextualized way. The results showed that the area of Geosciences provides an integrated work with other areas of knowledge turning the learning experience possible and extending the questions about life on Earth in a sustainable and systemic way, considering aspects of the dynamics of geological processes and the changes caused by human intervention.

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