
"Raktam Jeeva iti Sthiti" that implies the life (Jeeva) of an individual lives in Rakta (Blood), any extreme hindrance or loss of blood can cause demise. Alterations in skin colour, such as a yellowish white discoloration, are common in Rakta deficiency. This condition can be compared to Panduroga in Ayurveda, which is frequently referred to in various Ayurvedic texts as either a separate disease or the symptoms of another disease. On the basis of symptoms and causes, it can be linked to iron deficiency anaemia in modern science. It is brought on by iron loss from the body, inadequate diet, gastrointestinal tract infections, worm infestation, and insufficient iron absorption. According to the classics of Ayurveda, it develops as a result of a decrease in Rasa Dhatu, which makes it unproductive to produce Rakta Dhatu. There are different food articles, diets, Ayurvedic herbal and herbo-mineral formulations are indicated in Ayurvedic texts for the management of lack of Rakta Dhatu. These diets and Ayurvedic formulations have been found to be safe, effective and free of side effects in numerous studies.

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