
Ayurveda is science of life and its main aim is to maintain healthy status of healthy living being i.e. prevention of disease and treatment of disease. As per Ayurvedic science, sharir is made up of dosha, dhatu and mala. Among the sapta dhatus, rakta dhatu is considered as second dhatu. Raktotpatti (Origin of rakta dhatu) is a complex procedure. There are various opinions in different ayurvedic classical texts in reference of raktotpatti. Same way, blood, which is one among the vital structure in human body, also has complex procedure of its origin. But all the different opinions of ayurvedic classical texts are similar in one or other way as that of haemopoiesis (Process of origin, development and maturation of blood cells) explained in modern science. Therefore, in this article, a comparative study of raktotpatti with haemopoesis is explained. Keywords: Rakta, dosha, dhatu, mala, raktotpatti, haemopoiesis

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