
BACKGROUND: Hospitality& Tourism industry is a major industry contributing to 10% of the GDP of the country. wherein they have a significant economic, social, and ecological impact on nature. Today owing to the Pandemic, this sector is badly hit due to the closure of tourism operations and restricted movement of people across the country and globally. Tourism and hospitality definitely add to the generation of waste, but if managed systematically the environment can be protected from damage. Today mankind is hit by a virus and the reason is we have not respected the environment. Therefore, in recent years, the Indian Government has taken strict measures and made mandatory guidelines for hotels in tourist spots to comply with all environment-friendly practices like proper disposal of wet & dry garbage, recycling of water, sewage treatment plants installation in premises, horticulture, and minimal use of plastic, etc. Five Star hotels were generally assumed as a place to enjoy the vacation, using a swimming pool, and enjoying world cuisine but nowadays people have started asking for recycling paper, recycled linen, recycled amenities in the room, etc. With this changing trend, hotels need to adapt to a new approach and start using green initiatives which give rise to green and eco-friendly hotels. This in turn would benefit mankind, environment and a better future will be passed on as a legacy to coming generations. This paper, therefore, analyses the environment-friendly practices of selected hotels of Delhi and the awareness among the staff.

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