
AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) frequently employs field plate techniques to improve the device's reliability and optimum performance. This literature review investigates the effects of field plate-engineered GaN-based High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) on RF applications, specifically focusing on elevated breakdown and cut-off frequency. The study comprehensively examines various field plate designs employed in HEMTs, highlighting their significant contributions. The research explores three primary and six secondary types of field plates, each operating on distinct principles to enhance device parameters. For instance, gate, drain, and source-type field plates in GaN-based HEMTs can imprcove breakdown, power and output resistance. These field plate techniques influence device stability, specific resistance and ensure uniform electron flow across terminals. Moreover, the implementation of a drain field plate improves power application performance by reducing the impact ionization rate. The utilization of field plate techniques in GaN-based High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) offers several benefits, including the minimization of parasitic effects and the reduction of the source-to-gate region without significantly impacting the device's breakdown voltage.

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