
Phase transitions in bilayers and monolayers of various synthetic phospholipids with different chain lengths as well as different polar head groups were studied by differential scanning calorimetry or with the film balance technique, respectively. With the film balance, area versus temperature curves (isobars) were recorded at different surface pressures. The monolayer phase transition from the fluid-condensed to the fluid-expanded phase is shifted towards higher temperature when the lateral pressure in the monolayer is increased. The temperature dependence of the equilibrium pressure as well as the magnitude of the area change at the transition depends only on the nature of the phospholipid head group and not on the chain length of the hydrocarbon chains of the lipid. Phospholipids with strong intermolecular attractive interactions between the head groups show low values for dπ dT m and for the area change, Δf, whereas phospholipids with negatively charged head groups without intermolecular attractive forces exhibit higher values for dπ dT m and Δf. The shift of the monolayer phase transition temperature when increasing the chain length of the lipid is almost identical to the shift in T m observed for the bilayer system of the same phospholipids. A comparison of monolayer and bilayer systems on the basis of the absolute value of the molecular area of the phospholipid in the bilayer gel phase and the change in area at the bilayer and monolayer transition leads to the following conclusions. The behaviour of the bilayer system is very similar to that of the respective monolayer system at a lateral pressure of approx. 30 dyne/cm, because at this pressure the absolute area and the area change in both systems are the same. Further support for this conclusion comes from the experimental finding that at a lateral pressure of 30 dyne/cm the shift in Tm due to the increase in charge when the methyl ester of phosphatidic acid is investigated is the same for the bilayer and the monolayer system.

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