
The most important challenge for concrete technologists is to improve the properties of concrete. The performance of the concrete in structural aspect is been taken in mind when we go for the large structures and as well as the durability which plays a major role on it. India is fast growing country with more unskilled labourers and the lack of knowledge in concrete behaviour which leads to complications in the performance of concrete. In the recent years, in India, a new technology, called magnetic water technology, has been used in the concrete industry. In this technology, by passing water through a magnetic field, some of its physical properties’ changes. Using magnetized water in concrete mixtures causes an improvement in the workability and compressive strength of concrete. In this research study, the effect of magnetized water on workability, compressive strength of concrete and tensile strength was studied, in order to obtain operative concrete with high resistance and at a lower cost. The magnetized water was prepared using the magnetic treatment system. Here we have used different grade of concrete, and obtain the better compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile strength under 0.2% Polypropylene fiber ratio and 1.2 T magnetic strength conditions.

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