
Binding of Escherichia coli Initiation Factor-1 protein to the nucleic acid lattice induces alterations in the secondary structures of a variety of purine and pyrimidine containing polynucleotides in both the single and double stranded conformations, as assessed by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The helical hairpin form of poly(U), the single-stranded stacked form of poly(C), and the duplex poly(A) · poly(U) (in the presence of Mg 2+) are stoichiometrically converted by Initiation Factor-1 (IF-1) to structures spectrally indistinguishable from their partially or completely thermally denatured forms. By contrast, the binding of IF-1 to double stranded poly(C), single- and double-stranded poly(A) elicited spectral responses which were interpreted in terms of diminished base-base interaction, not equivalent to that induced by thermal means. Stoichiometric endpoints of 3–5 nucleotide residues IF-1 were determined for polynucleotide structures in those cases where light scattering artifacts at low nucleotide residue to protein ratios were absent. In the absence of Mg 2+ IF-1 was unable to elicit a conformation alteration effect in poly(A) · poly(U), while for poly(U) much less of an effect was observed than in the presence of this divalent ion. The functional significance of these results is briefly considered.

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