A need for different breakdown voltages of vertical-current bipolar transistors on the same chip is accomplished by added process complexity and increased fabrication costs. In horizontal current bipolar transistor (HCBT) technology, the devices with different collector-emitter breakdown voltages (BV/sub CEO/) can be fabricated just by changing the mask dimensions, without any addition to process flow. Extrinsic base has a main effect on BV/sub CEO/ due to charge sharing effect. Cutoff frequency and maximum frequency of oscillations of HCBT structures with different extrinsic base widths are measured together with BV/sub CEO/. The optimum f/sub T/BV/sub CEO/ product of more than 100 GHzV is achieved at extrinsic base width of 0.8 /spl mu/m. The charge sharing effect is analyzed by 2D simulations and the reduction of the peak electric field in the intrinsic region is shown. Moreover, the increase of BV/sub CEO/ at low base currents is measured and explained by the current gain reduction due to SHR recombination in emitter-base depletion region. The breakdown occurs in different regions of HCBT structure at low and high currents.
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