
Abstract The issue of communicative interaction of future social pedagogues is one of the crucial problems of higher education as it is the basic condition for effective realization of their professional activity in the social sphere.The aim of the article is to describe the methods of using a piece of art with its information content in order to form future social pedagogues’ personal qualities and skills of their communication. Thissubject was on the focus in the second half of the last century and then the scientific interest in the problem almost disappeared. But it has been proposed in the article that information system of art can be usedas a means of forming communication skills by developing students’ abilities to solve psychological problems of the client and their own ones through the analysis and forecasting of complex social and psychological situations depicted in the works. Artistic and aesthetic information is presented in the pocess of future specialists’ training as didactic material to develop the skillsof active listeningand abilities to penetrate into client’s inner world, stimulate his/her emotional state through certain types of information in the piece of art.This methodology was implemented in the educational process of Zaporizhzhya National University and its content and results have been presented in the article.

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