
The fifth BalticSTE2023 Symposium took place in Šiauliai on 12-15 June this year. Time passes inexorably, which is why this symposium can be called an anniversary symposium. It was also important that the symposium was held in the usual / regular format, i.e. face-to-face. It is worth remembering that this is a biennial scientific event of importance not only in the Baltic region but certainly internationally. Due to the Covid19 pandemic, the fourth symposium was held remotely. A review of this symposium has also been published (Lamanauskas, 2021). By the way, reviews of previous symposia have also been published (Lamanauskas, 2015; 2017; 2019). The symposium's fundamental aim is to promote science and technology education. Moreover, it is an excellent tool to disseminate research findings as well as to build collaboration and cooperation network. Another important aim is to show that Baltic region countries also actively participate in natural science and technology education research, especially in the STEAM context. In addition, Baltic countries, as well as other small regions of the world, need corresponding, close communication, and cooperation. During this symposium, all these essential ideas were developed and supported.

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