
Viruses are acellular obligate parasites that take control of the host's mechanism and produce new virions to ensure its survival. As a result, viral infections are frequent in humans, as certain viruses use humans as their host. During the course, this causes a variety of diseases with variable symptoms and intensities, at times resulting in serious illness as well as death. Identifying the virus-caused illness, especially in the early stages of the disease, can help to mitigate, reverse, or cure the virus's effects. Biomarkers are indications that can be seen in people who have an illness and can be used to determine the type of disease, type of pathogen, severity of the disease, and so on, hence playing a crucial role in the diagnosis of the disease. Because of their significant clinical value, biomarkers are also important in the drug development process. Because of their significant clinical value, biomarkers are also important in the drug development process. In this review study, we cover the diverse kinds of biomarkers that are observed for different types of viral diseases. In addition, a detailed comparison of traditional diagnostic approaches against the use of biomarkers in diagnosis is explored, along with its numerous benefits. The recent advancements and the new biomarkers that are observed in viral diseases are also addressed. The existing diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of various viral diseases are also thoroughly discussed.

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