
This paper proposes a new conceptual design tool for bioenergy systems, the 2MBio, and its implementation on the case of wood fuel energy systems (WES) in South Mozambique. Dependence on wood fuel characterises most Sub-Saharan countries and WES are complex socio-ecological systems dynamically linked to crucial development issues, e.g., deforestation and poverty. In Mozambique WES supply over 70% of the national energy needs through an informal business network worth around one million euros each year. In contrast with the 2MBio, currently available tools often aim at supporting decision-making on WES with off-the-shelf expert solutions and optimisation of WES efficiency, supply chains and resource management. While relevant and useful, such approaches are frequently unsuitable to engage the knowledge and creativity of a wide range of crucial actors. The 2MBio addresses this gap providing a simple, visual platform on paper that supports from illiterate to professional users, to stimulate creative ideas and apply current knowledge while designing their own WES. The results of implementation in real settings in South Mozambique produced relevant design breakthroughs. Compared with the absence of any other support tool, and faced with same design challenges, the 2MBio participatory design workshops in south Mozambique resulted in comprehensive analysis of wood fuel energy systems, and innovative integrated WES solutions design. The proposed approach raised participants’ awareness about opportunities and constrains linked to their WES while also facilitating information sharing new learning dynamics and enhance creativity.

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