
In continuation of the first article, we provide a detailed analysis of the consequences that had the revolution of 1917 to the country's history. The subject of attention of the authors is the ontological nature of the Soviet system, which is positioned as the industrial, with elements typical for Russian economic relations traditionalism. In the Soviet years he acquired the character of planned production, which is partly consistent with the trends that prevailed in the management of economic processes in the West. Stadial similarities between the USSR and the West is revealed by the authors also with respect to parallel changes in the mental character of the people of both systems, expressed in the secularization, desacralization of tradition, the increasing number of population with higher education, the spread of consumer values. The problem of choosing the historical path of the Soviet time, according to the authors, were reactualized after the detection system behind Western countries in connection with their accession to a new stage - post-industrial society. As in 1917, this gap was tried to solve through mental assimilation with Western civilization. This attempt was made on the active wave of anti-Sovietism and total denigration of their own history. The "victim" was not accepted that once again, opinion the authors of the article, put before science the problem of choice: Russia is a country of retarded modernization in the way universal for all peoples of the world historical process or it represents a distinct civilization with its own logic of historical development? In recent years, the science and the public a priority tend to choose the second alternative. This approach actualizes the task of finding the internal, core reasons for the Russian society, its universal civil values. The authors believe that the success of these searches will depend on how successful will be the fight of the Russian authorities with challenges and problems that hinder the flow of the modern historical process.

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