India follows the Three-Stage Nuclear Power Program, starting with water reactors in the first stage and fast breeder reactors (FBRs) in the second stage to effectively utilize the available limited natural uranium. The third stage uses a judicious combination of fast and thermal spectrum reactors to utilize the vast thorium resources available in the country. From the 21 water reactors in operation, 5780MWe capacity power is generated. A 500-MWe capacity prototype fast breeder reactor (PFBR) is currently in the commissioning stage. The water and FBRs currently being designed have several features to achieve improved economy and enhanced safety, reflecting the Generation IV concepts. In this chapter, five such reactor concepts are presented: three thermal spectrum reactors (ie, the advanced heavy water reactor, compact high-temperature reactor, and innovative high-temperature reactor) and two fast spectrum reactors (ie, the PFBR and the Indian molten salt breeder reactor).
Published Version
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