
This chapter presents strategies for organizing site documentation and discusses HP's support offerings. HP provides various forms of documentation—OpenVMS Help utility (VMSHELP), modifying OpenVMS help, OpenVMS Message Help utility (MSGHLP), example code SYS$EXAMPLES and SYS$ETC, release notes, OpenVMS documentation, and CD-ROM documentation. VMSHELP is a utility that provides access to OpenVMS online documentation. This is usually the quickest way to get answers to simple command syntax questions. The HELP command invokes the HELP facility to display information about a command or topic. The HELP command accesses the main OpenVMS help library, which consists of the file SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB. There are a number of separate help libraries for more complex utilities. HP provides the option to copy several help-related text files onto the system disk during an OpenVMS upgrade or installation. By default, these files are created in the directory specified by the logical name SYSSVMSDOC_TEXT. One can list these files and search them with the OpenVMS Search utility.

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