
Thyroid function tests in eleven cases of Down syndrome Thyroid functions were investigated in 11 cases of Down syndrome confirmed both by clinical and laboratory findings. Mean age of the patients were 3.50+2.75 (1/365-9.0) years. Congenital hypothyroidsm was detected in two the patients (18.2%); anti-thyroid antibodies were detected in another patient with normal thyroid functions (9.1%). Since both Down syndrome and congenital hypothyroidism can present with similar clinical signs and since a higher incidence of abnormal thyroid functions is found in Down syndrome. In patients with Down syndome, it would be useful to perform thyroid function tests immediately after birth, on the sixth and twelfth postnatal months and once a year thereafter. Klinik ve laboratuvar olarak Down sendromu tanisini alan yas ortalamasi 3.50+2.75 (1/365-9) yil olan 11 olguda tiroid fonksiyonlari arastirildi. Iki olguda konjenital hipotiroidi saptandi (%18.2). Ayrica tiroid fonksiyon testleri normal olan bir olguda antitiroid antikorlari pozitif idi (%9.1). Down sendromu ile konjenital hipotiroidinin klinik bulgu¬larinin birbirine benzer olmasi ve Down sendromunda tiroid fonksiyon bozuklugu insi-dansinin yuksek bulunmasi nedeni ile Down sendromlu olgularda dogumda, 6'nci, 12'nci ve yilda bir kez olmak uzere tiroid fonksiyon testlerinin yapilmasi cok yararli olacaktir.

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