
Nanotechnology has become a rapidly growing field with potential applications from electronics to food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. This chapter focuses on the present and future applications of nanotechnology in food, nutraceuticals systems, and cosmetics. It reviews some of the nanotechnologies used in food and cosmetic industries and the opportunities and challenges in these areas. Applications of nanomaterials are found in cosmetics products such as moisturizers, hair care products, make-up, and sunscreen. A different class of nanoparticles is used in cosmetics and has been the subject of discussion among researchers and policy makers. However, toxicity issues are the main concerns among consumers—whether the nanomaterials are safe for dermal applications. The chapter offers a brief overview of some of the innovative nanoparticulate delivery systems for dermal applications. It concludes that nanotechnology is seen as a growth area that will transform tomorrow's world. Food nanotechnology is an area of emerging interest and opens up an entire universe of new possibilities for the food industry. Nanotechnology holds great promise to provide benefits not just within food products but also around food products. Similarly, nanotechnology in cosmetic and skin care products offers advantages and improved characteristics compared with traditional formulations.

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