
On the basis of published and unpublished archival documents, publications in local periodicals, works of church researchers, the article shows the process of forming ideas of the scientific and church circles about the preservation of monuments of temple architecture in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries. (on the materials of the Yenisei province). At that time, the temple was perceived not only as a sacred material object, but also as part of the spiritual heritage of many generations. The mechanism of inheritance was based on the collective responsibility of the inhabitants to their descendants. The idea is being formed that the temple, like other objects of cultural heritage, has universal significance and historical value, and therefore should be protected by the joint efforts of the state and the parish. The authors emphasize that before the revolution in the Yenisei province, as elsewhere, there appeared representatives of the church and scientific intelligentsia, who were actively involved in the collection, description, systematization and museumification of monuments of church antiquity. The article concludes that this process was significant not only for the local community, but was also part of the global and Russian trend of preserving the cultural heritage of mankind. At the same time, the interests of the state and the church, while preserving religious objects, largely intersected, which was reflected in the activities of church-archaeological societies and museums. Through the efforts of such devotees as I.V. Figurovsky, D.I. Evtikhiev and others in the Yenisei Siberia collected information about ancient temples, artifacts, documents, prepared a number of publications. This information is relevant even today, as it is often the only evidence of objects and sacristies lost during the Soviet period of history.

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