
The article considers a range of issues related to travel to Germany in the 19 th – the beginning of the 20th century. Attention is drawn to the purpose of travel, routes, choice of objects for review, interethnic cultural contacts. It was established that the purpose of the trips to Germany were rest, treatment and education. Travelers got to Germany in different ways: by steamboat from Saint Petersburg through Sweden or overland through Radzivyliv, Lemberg and the Czech or Polish lands. Guidebooks printed in Germany became useful for travelers. They helped to develop of the travel route, choose the residence, objects for review and decide on means of transportation. The cities that attracted travelers the most were Berlin, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Munich, as well as the resorts of Baden-Baden and Kissingen. During of the 19th century, under the influence of changes in movement in European art – from romanticism to modernism, accents shifted, and interest arosed to various monuments and artistic masterpieces. While in the first half of the 19th century travelers were admired by Gothic architecture, works of the Renaissance, classical opera, ethnographic customs of the local population, in the second half of the 19 th century, attention was paid to modern art, achievements of science and technology, lifestyle, shops, cafes, etc. People, who traveled to Germany, expanded of social circle. There travelers were able to get to know representatives of European elites, leading scientists and practitioners, compatriots. Established contacts were usually long-lasting and multi-year. Sometimes under the influence of new acquaintances and European culture, imperial ideological stereotypes were destroyed and self-identification of travelers from Dnieper Ukraine took place. Keywords: travels, Germany, architectural monuments, memories, M. Rigelman, M. Kostomarov, Dresden Gallery, Cologne Cathedral.

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